Thursday, February 25, 2010


Colm is almost 3...... he has a birthday in just a little over a week!
He is very smiley and happy most of the time.
He is my sleeper-boy. He is almost always my last kid up in the morning and still takes a nice nap too!
He also talks alot, very clearly and has an unlimited vocabulary.
He plays just about anything that Caeden is playing and they do pretty good about sharing and not fighting over toys.
He knows all his letters and their sounds but is still working on being able to actually write. his drawings and such are still all scribbles :-)
He is totally my barefoot boy too - the child will not keep socks on.
If his feet get cold and he realizes it, he "might" put on his slippers or socks, but they are usually off again within a short while.

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