Saturday, June 23, 2007

Enjoying life!

Just thought I would add a note to let you know how much we are enjoying being home in Colorado!
The weather has been wonderful - I don't think I will ever complain again about it being too hot here :-) We were at Wal-Mart yesterday and when we walked out it was just gorgeous, cool and a little cloudy. It had been storming off and on all afternoon and it was so nice to just walk out into the wonderful fresh air and not be taken back by a blast of hot 100 degree or higher air.
We are taking advantage of this time home and relaxing and getting some little things done around the house.

Colm is enjoying his bed and is napping and sleeping really well. We are in the process of dropping a night feed and he is doing great at it. We went 9:30-5 Thurs night and 9:30-6 last night - he is such a good baby!

Caeden is loving having lots of space to play, he goes from one thing to another all day long. He is talking a mile a minute and every day he is picking up new ideas and thoughts and phrases. One that made me smile yesterday was:
Caeden : "screaming" for no apparent reason
Mom: "Caeden, you may not scream like that. Do you understand me?"
Caeden: "I think so"
Not quite sure where he came up with "I think so" but it was rather cute in the context he choose to use it in.

We are enjoying seeing our family often around here and letting them enjoy the boys and see how much they are growing.
Kieran is on his way to Atlanta this week. He left Wednesday morning and has spent the last 2 days "enjoying" central Texas where his transmission was being repaired. Thankfully it is being done under warranty, but it is rather frustrating to have to deal with it while traveling. Please pray it gets completed this morning to Kieran's satisfaction and he is able to get back on the road and make it to Atlanta with no other delays.

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