Tuesday, October 6, 2009

a moment in time

I was sitting on the couch yesterday afternoon.
The kids were playing...... happily for once
Everyone was busy with their own toys.

(yes, she's playing with the boy's tools!)

I got to thinking ~you know, since it was quiet for 30 seconds~
This is just a moment in time.
I have 3 precious little children - look at them
Everyone says they will grow up quickly and I will wonder where the time went

(who needs baby toys when you have big brothers!)

A nap sounds so good
I really should pick up the toys and vacuum
Dinner needs made still

(I have no clue who he is pretending to be....... probably Goliath!)

But no, they are playing so happy.........
I will just sit on this couch and watch them play
And the other things can wait

(he is working in his office, drawing something)

They will not be little long...... so for now I will
Remember this moment in time.

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