Monday, April 26, 2010

17 months

Aww sweet Alannah girl - where has the time gone? I cannot believe you are already 17 months old! You are such a little bundle of joy and love.

At 17 months you:
~ have 4 center bottom teeth, 4 center top teeth and 2 top molars
~walk, almost run, constantly- very steady on your feet
~LOVE being outside
~love the park, but hate the swing
(you loved them last year, but have cried "up" every time I have tried this year)
~sleep wonderfully through the night- at least 12 hours.
~are working on going down to 1 nap a day,
though about 3-4 days a week we still sneak a short morning nap in
~you babble often, talking to us or yourself but your real words vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds daily.
~ you love putting "pretties" in your hair- you hardly have enough to clip but you are so proud of a barrette in your hair
~you love to sit on the couch and read while I am reading. You will go get a book and come over and say "up" and then sit there and read aloud to yourself.
~you love mimicking the boys in coloring, playing with trucks or animals
~you can point quite well to express your wants and needs if we don't understand the words
~you love horses and dogs and they both have their own "sound" when you see one
~Vocabulary as I can think of it- up, yes, no, mama, da, bye-bye, hello, cheese, flower, hat.......

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