Monday, May 17, 2010

weekend highlight!

We went to the grand opening of the new fire station in Falcon on Saturday. The boys had a blast. One of the biggest highlights, besides getting to sit in the trucks, sit on the police motorcycle and walk all over the station- even seeing the sleeping areas and bathrooms, was getting to see the Flight for Life helicopter. We see the helicopter parked at the hospital often when we drive into town and they boys are always looking for it and have asked several times about seeing inside it. The helicopter wasn't there when we got there, so I was kinda disappointed when I didn't see it, but didn't tell them. About a half hour later, someone said, "here comes the helicopter" - we headed outside and the boys got to watch it land. Until it got so windy we had to turn toward the building to avoid getting hay and dust blown into our eyes! They were thrilled to see it, sit inside it and I think they were in awe at how big it was. We all had fun, I'm glad we went. The boys have been coloring pictures and wearing their little plastic fire helmets since we got home.

Caeden in the fire truck - he wouldn't look at me, he was so busy looking all around him and at the gadgets and buttons!

Colm was just thrilled!

Here comes the helicopter!

the boys loved watching it land

this is how close we really were when it landed...... next time we go a little bit further away :-)

The boys sitting in the helicopter- it holds a pilot, a medic, a nurse and a patient.

the boys standing on the other side, just to get a feeling of the size of it

This picture seriously needs a caption...........
Both boys got to sit on it and they were again, just as proud as could be looking around!

And yes, in case you wondered...... Alannah was there as well. But I had her in the carry pouch on my (ever-shrinking) hip and I didn't let her out. I know, she would have had fun wandering around and sitting there too, but I was by myself and I only have 2 hands that were holding onto boys, so she was stuck in there ;-) And it's almost impossible to get a picture of her while holding her, so she'll just have to take my word for it that she did visit the fire station as well!

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