Wednesday, August 4, 2010


On Monday afternoon, we welcomed our little boy to our family.

August 2, 2010 at 5:36 p.m.
7 pounds, 2 ounces
20 inches

And yes, in case you didn't realize, Monday was also Kieran's birthday. So now he has a birthday buddy and I was able to "find" the best birthday present ever to give him!

Now, before you try saying it like it looks........ get the sound in your mind before paying attention to the spelling, it's not as hard as it looks, though it isn't phonetically correct at all :-)
You pronounce it like "Tiger" without the "R" on the end - Tige or Ty-g. It is obviously a gaelic spelling and the "adh" is called a diphthong basically making the "I" sound in English.

Tadhg - the most common meaning is poet or philosopher which would lend itself to being related to an Irish bard or storyteller (and here) or (here) - one who passes the family stories down through generations. It is also possibly related to the names Timothy or Thaddeus which would lend itself to a meaning of "man of honor" or "honoring God"

So, here's our little Tadhg Conor!

a little "bard/storyteller honoring God" and "strong-willed and wise"

(and yes, those are all links above to various name sites, most are for my reference. I wanted to save them somewhere! But feel free to hop around and look at the various meanings behind the names.)

1 comment:

Terra said...

Congrats Jen! Can't wait to hear your birth story and meet Tadhg. He definitely takes after Colm and Alannah. :) Probably won't make it over until Sunday, but I will come bearing hydrogels. ;)