Monday, September 13, 2010

6 weeks

Where does the time go little buddy....... has it really been 6 weeks?

You are sleeping so nicely through the night right now.... I am hoping it doesn't change!
You go down sometime in the evening, depending on the day and when you wake up but then I wake you and change your diaper before I go bed - usually 9/9:30, nurse you and put you back down within about 15-20 minutes. The last few nights you've slept till 3 or 3:30! Had a good nurse then and back to sleep till 6:30/7. I cannot complain.........

However, you hate the car. Seriously, Hate. The. Car.
You pretty much scream 90% of the time we spend driving.
You don't seem to care if Alannah is singing you songs or your brothers are talking to you. If we play nice music for you or not. Whether you should be sleeping or awake.
I don't really have any other option but to let you cry, but I wish you would learn to like the car!

During the day you usually are up 45 minutes to an hour and then back down again through the day. Typically, a short nap first thing in the morning and then a longer morning nap mid morning. Then a nice long nap timed to coincide with your siblings naps. Then another nap or two through the evening.

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