Friday, August 2, 2013

3rd birthday

Tadhg Conor - 3 yrs old
 at 3 years old you are loving life and loving it loud.... you shared a carrot cake with Da for your birthday, the last one we celebrated in are talking a mile a minute and about have your opinion on everything and love to be included in whatever is happening. You play well with your brothers, as the boy between the girls, you play well with the girls too. You love helping Da with whatever he is doing and if asked you are "Da's buddy". You still out weigh Alannah by a good 5 pounds at least and you and her have about the same shoe size...... which also lends itself to you wearing whatever shoe is closest regardless of who it belongs too ;-). You are in at least a 3T clothes wise, often closer to a 4T. You potty trained this last spring and do great at it, accidents are rare! You love your jeans, wearing a belt and the shirt you are wearing above is one of your favorites. You still love your tigers and sleep with them. You are a little daredevil sometimes, thinking up things to do, or following after your big brothers, you will try just about anything. You love riding your trike around. The tools and trains are your favorite toys. You are such a sweet boy, full of hugs and kisses and cuddles. Love you lots!

First time swimming....before going in the water, he showed us-laying on the ground-how he would swim, kicking his feet and waving arms arms around while laying on his belly. When he got in the water, he waded for a moment and then kept walking in, the shore dropped down a bit a few feet in and he started "swimming" - just like he showed us! But he was rather unimpressed by being completely under the water and got out quickly and didn't venture too far in again that day. He did do rather well at his impromptu doggie paddle, swimming to Caeden though!

A boy on the move.... he was running circles around this tree!

At Priest Lake in September 2013
Love Tadhg's expression in this one.... he is always the one moving in all my pictures ;-)

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