Last night, Auntie Em and I took the boys to the
Passion Play in Denver. It was wonderful, very well done and I would highly recommend it. (If you want to go this year, they still have a performance tonight and tomorrow afternoon, check their
website for details).
Anyway, Alannah nursed and slept thru most of it, Colm sat in Emily's lap perfectly quiet and still but not sleeping and Caeden stood on his chair and watched the whole thing.
Caeden had several things to say about what he was seeing and comprehending - it's been fun this year seeing what concepts and truths he has been grasping and beginning to understand the whole story.
In the Garden scene the angel came and ministered to Jesus and then later when the soldiers were whipping Jesus Caeden asked/told me "that angel gave Jesus strength to be strong, why isn't he fighting those soldiers?" I explained that Jesus gave his life willing and that He allowed the soldiers to whip Him and put Him on the cross and that took great strength.
Later, after Jesus died on the cross and they were placing him in the grave Caeden turned to me and said, "Their Jesus might be dead but MY Jesus is alive" - I told him to keep watching and "their Jesus" was the same as his and he would come back to life.
After the performance was finished Caeden got to talk to a couple soldiers and the man that played Nicodemus and tell them he enjoyed the show. Though it made for a long evening, I am glad we got to go up.