Monday, April 20, 2009

little pink hoodie

Alannah was just too cute in this outfit............

Da's sure gonna be surprised when he goes to eat his lunch!

Happy girl helping Mama make dinner

Our long weekend - boring or exciting..............
it snowed pretty much from Thursday evening till Saturday night, we got drifts over 4 feet deep (of course there are other areas that are bare!)............. Colm was sick most of the weekend too, some kind of tummy flu I think............ thankfully he seems to be feeling better today............. Kieran got to come home early Thursday and didn't work (out of the house anyway) again till this morning........... he kept busy working on some bids for upcoming jobs............. we didn't go anywhere till Sunday afternoon when we realized that there was no snow in town at all and did a couple errands. Seriously, you who live in town, you should see the drifts out here! The "big" snow plow with the V front came thru and there are shoulders of snow well over 4 feet high off the road......... my great fun this weekend was sorting thru Alannah's clothes and putting the rest of the 0-3 and 3 month clothes away and getting out the next batch of 3-6 month and slightly larger then what she needs out and in her drawers.............. I have great plans this week to get the rest of the closets sorted, organized and de-cluttered.......... we'll see how the week goes!

1 comment:

Erin said...

it's those clothes that multiply and mysteriously appear out of nowhere that make me have to think about that chore again too...sigh...