Wednesday, May 25, 2011


These are Alannah's friends - aptly named Bear and Bunny. She loves to sleep with both, or either ;-) Unless she's in a grumpy mood she's usually happy with at least one. Though she's pretty good about keeping track of them and knowing where both are. Every now and again, she "has to have" one or the other. Bunny is most frequently found wandering with her. It's rather cute since she's had Bunny in her bed since she was just tiny, but until the last couple months was not overly attached to it. Bear she got for her first birthday and she attached to that pretty soon after and has been her sleeping companion consistently since then. 

Not shown is her "best" friend, the paci ;-) She still takes it to sleep, or whenever she can sneak it. Though we work pretty hard to convince her to keep it in the crib, she often tells me mid-morning she wants to go sit in her crib for awhile...... just to have it. 

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