Thursday, July 14, 2011

Right now, it seems like I'll never forget. But since I know I will ;-) I thought I would jot down a few thoughts thus far on Alannah's potty training journey.
We started a little over a week ago 'officially'. She's been showing signs of being ready for a couple months, we've taken a few mornings here and there and attempted some training, but nothing worked in 3 hours ;-) and I didn't continue. I knew I needed to though, and wanted to - in the long run. Personally, I don't find potty training one of the more enjoyable aspects of mothering! But as the summer arrived, making it a prime season for training with the convenience of warm weather, dresses and such and the knowledge that if I didn't train her soon I was going to have 3 in diapers, we went for it.
We've been talking about it with her for awhile now and she knows that "Ailish needs her diapers, so now her diapers are for Ailish", I told her she was wearing panties now and we were learning to go pee in the toilet. Her first response? "I'm gonna cry". It was rather funny. But she didn't mind the idea, talked well of the proper procedures and all. But for the first 5 days didn't once get the pee in the proper location, despite me taking her and letting her sit and try frequently. The girl has a huge bladder and goes literally many hours at a time. I tried everything, special drinks, snacks, a bribe of chocolate upon success, new panties....... nothing, all I got were puddles in places puddles don't belong  - and an adorable little curly headed girl saying "it was an accident, pee goes in the toilet next time". I was wondering if "next time" would ever arrive.
Finally, Sunday morning, I decided she had to have success and get in the toilet so we could move forward. I was concerned about #1- her length of time holding it all in and perhaps that not being overly healthy and #2- creating a habit of just holding it till she physically couldn't anymore vs realizing the need to go and going. So, we sat in the bathroom. For about an hour. It worked. She went. There was great praise all around and of course, chocolate. The last couple days have been hit and miss. We had a couple accidents that were probably more my fault then hers, just in not being home and dealing with other kids, but the last 24 hours we have had everything in the proper place and dry panties all around.
She has been consistently dry at naps and nighttime since we started. I can honestly say she trained her nights before her days, which I find a little odd, but I won't complain. I still watch her closely during the day, but she's been telling me on her own when she needs to go. She went at Grammie's yesterday, but today while we were out wasn't having success in the public bathrooms, despite a really cool special seat we have. So, since I had the flexibility today, we just came home and she did her business pretty quick. She's still holding it for quite awhile, but as long as she's going on her own I will probably just be happy with what seems to be a good size bladder, and is consistent with the boys too - they too can go quite some time especially when we are out.
So, I think we are making good progress. There's a light at the end of the tunnel and I think given another week, I will be pretty confident in her abilities to stay dry consistently during the day.

And just in case you were wondering, she's my "latest" potty trained thus far. Both boys were trained right about 2 1/2 and she's a good month past that. But they've all been right about this time.

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