Thursday, September 3, 2009

this boy

loves to comb his own hair...............

is learning to swing on the big swings.........

cannot be convinced that HIS hair does NOT comb over the same direction as his dad's...........

and told me the other day - I tied my own shoes mama, they are tied the way that boys that aren't men yet tie them, you don't know how to do it this way............. um, yeah, I don't think I could repeat that!

Yesterday he brought me in a flower. However, he hadn't asked to go outside first, so I thanked him for the flower and then reminded him he needs to ask before going outside. He replied, "oh, I asked Jesus if I could out and he said yes".

1 comment:

Terra said...

Wow! Pulling out the God card at 4 years old! Watch out. You're going to have some interesting theological discussions with that boy!