Wednesday, February 24, 2010


So, how about some updates on the kids :-)

I'll start with Caeden.........
He is very talkative, will talk constantly, about anything!
He is really into drawing, writing, coloring....... there are scraps of paper all over the house with random and miscellaneous things he has drawn
He can sound out just about any word that is "phonetically correct" - he is not really reading yet, but is good at picking out and recognizing words he knows.
He is all boy - loves to play with his gun...... he and Colm can often be found hunting bears or tracking the "bad guys".
He is very into several pieces of clothing and wears the same thing, over and over and over again. I don't mind this too much because of our laundry situation, as long as we aren't going anywhere and it's not too dirty yet, he can wear whatever he likes :-)

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