Monday, July 16, 2007

Good Morning!

Happy Birthday Grammie!
Hope you have a wonderful day!

We had another first the other night - I gave both boys a bath - at the same time - with no help!
It was rather interesting, but they did both get clean and were happy through out the bath, so I guess that counts for something.

And this morning, I walked in to get Caeden, still half asleep only to find him completely undressed with a poopy diaper in his crib - not exactly what you want to deal with first thing in the morning. But thankfully, he hadn't spread the mess too far and we got cleaned up and dressed early this morning. Oh, the joys of a 2 year old!

Colm's been a bit fussy and not sleeping well the last few days. Not sure if it is just teething or he is getting overtired or if he wants to be awake more! So, we are playing with it and seeing what happens.
He getting more and more active though. He has started grabbing at things in my hand - cups and such and he has a favorite toy. A little cow with a teether ring on it. If I place it in his hand he hold it great and chews on it for a long while.

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