Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Our day

It's 5:15 here and I am tired........would love to just sit on the couch and do nothing, but we still have a good hour and half before bedtime.
Was thinking about all I did today and thought "no wonder I am tired!" - here was our day:
6:30 - Got up and wandered out to the kitchen, both boys got up within minutes of each other, both before I was awake enough to get out of bed.
7:45 - Left the house for by Baby Boot Camp exercise class, after feeding everyone breakfast, repacking the diaper bag since I knew I was out of diapers, packing water bottles for everyone and snacks for Caeden and changing 2 dirty diapers of Caeden's
8:30-10 - at Baby Boot Camp class - the class is good and quite a challenge for me physically, but it's good for me!!
10-12 - stopped at Vitamin Cottage and Bed, Bath and Beyond and convinced Caeden to finally take a nap before we got to the park - you know, if I wanted him to stay up he would have been asleep 2 minutes after putting him in his seat, just want me to have him sleep and he is as wide awake as can be!
12-1 - Went downtown to Acacia Park to see the elephant - real, live and BIG - that was there - Nathan and Kyle were "raising awareness" for the Republican party and specifically their fundraising dinner tonight. (Caeden loved the elephant - will post pics later!) Right after getting everything out, meters paid and heading to the park I realized Colm had a very poopy diaper all over - go figure, the kid poops every 3-5 days and he choose this moment for a blow-out!
1-3 - Left the park, headed to the Wal-Mart - the new one opened today in Falcon and since I needed some milk I figured we would stop there. Was rather crowded - am hoping it was just since it was the first day open and it's not always going to be that crowded! Didn't wait long in the check out line though :-)
3 - Got home, changed both boys diapers, fed Colm, sat down for a few minutes and really didn't want to get back up! But convinced myself I really better - got up and got a load of laundry together, including all that had been dirtied by Colm's blow-out and washed and dried that load.
4-5:30 - Colm napped! Yeah!
While he napped I emptied, cleaned and re-filled Caeden's pool on the deck, filled Jack's water twice and he promptly dumped it the second time - crazy dog! Fed Jack, took the trash out, cleaned up what I could while watching Caeden on the deck, brought Caeden in and changed his outfit, emptied the dishwasher, reloaded it and picked up the kitchen, hall and living room. used the cordless sweeper in the living room.
Now I just need to fed Caeden and then hopefully have a quiet evening!
So, there was my day - just in case you ever wondered what I did all day!

1 comment:

Terra said...

Wow! You squeeze alot into one day. I was just tired reading about it. I'm impressed. I don't think I get that much done, at least the out and about stuff, with one child much less two! You have my props!